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2004-09-29 - 5:06 p.m.

Just a general "it's been 9 days, hey how ya'all doing" quick kinda entry today. Not much of substance or importance to drone on about. Similar to previous grunts and groans of mine, my life is nutty and busier than hell lately.

Went on a business trip earlier this week to butt-fark* Wisconsin to do a presentation then participate in a Research supplier fair.

(*I feel funny throwing the F-bomb around now that my kids picture graces my cover page here, seems kinda odd to me)

Let me tell you that it was a pretty stressful day. We had a booth with 5 type "A" personality people manning it, and much stress ensued as well as several pissing matches. Now, I am the lead Account Exec on the business, but all of these other "band-wagon jumpers" and higher-ups from our company, who deemed it their duty to come to this event, really rattled my last nerve all damn day.

In a sense I feel like I am a great indirect sales person, I know my shtuff*, but to be paraded around as a Research Whore was not my cup of tea. I was so glad when the day was over and the quick stop off at the Cheese Factory to get some cheese curds was delightful.

(*shtuff, an alternate word for shit)

Looking forward to the weekend. I am going to pull out all of my Halloweeny stuff and decorate. Hoping to get pinkytusk and the beaner out to the pumpkin patch with my boys. Husband's optional, but it would be nice. Friday night, pinkytusk, Steph (new neighbor)and I are supposed to go shoot some pool. Now, I was captain of my pool league way-back-when, so these girls are in for some serious competition! Actually, I probably suck so bad by now that they are gonna kick my butt. Looking forward to it, but we aren't going out until 8:30....8:30!! Geez, that is almost bedtime for me. This should prove to be very interesting!

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